Friday 11 May 2012

In The Neighbourhood

Another week, another collision between person and motorized vehicle in my neighbourhood.  This time it was an elderly woman crossing at a busy intersection and a 22 year old driving a pickup truck. I was not on the scene until after the collision occurred, so I cannot say for sure what went down that day, but I can share what I have witnessed and experienced thousands of times. A driver comes to an intersection and signals to turn right. The driver intently watches his or her left to see if there is any motorized traffic coming and as soon as there is a break in the flow the driver guns it. The driver never once looks to his or her right to see if pedestrians at the same intersection might be crossing at the lights. The pedestrian, doing exactly what they are supposed to do and crossing with the light, either gets hit or suddenly has to jump out of the way to avoid a collision. This is no accident, this is a driver failing to perform the proper safety checks to ensure the road is clear of ALL traffic, not just traffic of the motorized variety and it sadly happens hundreds of thousands times per day. Now someone is dead, her family is broken and the driver will never be the same. Was it worth the rush, the distraction, and the inattention? I doubt the 22 year old thinks so now, regardless of what his thoughts were just prior to the collision. Are you going to be the next person dealing with the guilt of having killed someone with your motorized vehicle? Or are you going to slow the %*@# down, realize nothing you have to do today is more important than someone’s life, and pay attention to your surroundings when you drive? Because the alternative is deadly.

My thoughts go out to both the families of the woman who was killed and the of the driver because all their lives are forever changed by one very poor decision.

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