Tuesday 19 June 2012

The Bicycle Cure

Once again I'll be tugging on the lycra and velocroing up the cycling shoes (and of course I always wear my helmet!) for an excellent cause. I have participated in MS Bike Tours on several occasions and have always had a great time supporting this important charity. Like last year, this August I'll be riding the Acton-Waterloo tour, including the "metric century" loop, for a total of 200 rolling, escarpment km's over 2 days. I have the bike, I'm working on the km's, now I need sponsorship from generous friends, family members and other philanthropic types who have been touched by MS.



Cherry said...

Whoohoo!! Can't wait for the ride. Already doing the countdown. We should meet up sometime that weekend!!

Antithesis said...

Yes we should! As the days tick down my partner is looking less likely to ride, but Dale and I will be there with too few km's in our legs but going the distance anyway!

Cherry said...

you'll be fine!! aren't you a spin instructor??? :)

Cherry said...

Hey to keep in touch easier that wknd, I can give you my cell#. Head over to my blog & click on Contact me at the top. Then I can email you my number!

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