Wednesday 5 March 2014

The Silent FU in Customer Service

We've finally made it past the ugliest month and March is here with all its promises of spring and rebirth. Today feels like a balmy -9, positively glorious compared to the -24 the week started with, time to plan a vacation.

I get exactly 1 week off in March and, because I teach children, that time exactly corresponds to March break. This means that, unless I want to be swarmed by crowds I must choose my venues very carefully. My guy has long been a fan of the cold and especially winter camping, or as I like to put it, all things I oppose. A few weeks ago I finally relented and agreed to head to the astonishingly beautiful in all times of year Killarney Provincial Park for snowshoeing, camping and all things far from the doldrums of the dirty snow and crippling icy sidewalks the city has to offer. Being the person of the two of us designated to "deal with others"; I was charged with the task of ordering some maps of the various trails in the park to ensure proper planning and safety. The "friends of" association that runs the online store claimed orders generally arrive 1-2 weeks after ordering. 2+ weeks on and my order was still labeled as "processing". I took to my email, as a second party's error should not lead to my incurring long distance charges. I pointed out the problem, the time line of my trip and the fact that though they did not process my order, they were certainly quick to process my credit card charges! I never received a follow up email with an apology, an offer the expedite shipping or cancel the order but hey, they took the time to change my order status from processing to shipped. This means that I should return from my trip just in time to receive my maps.

If they really want to promote the park and its use, they may want to offer some customer service. Silence isn't always golden. 

If I am not back by March 15, I am wandering lost somewhere around Georgian Bay - send help, if I haven't already been eaten by wolves.

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