Wednesday 25 October 2017

My Google, My Self

Yesterday, after I posted, I checked the blog to ensure the formatting was ok and discovered there were advertisements for dating sites on the page. What bothered me most is those are exactly the type of ads I would place on a page like mine to annoy the blogger. This indicates that Google algorithms might actually get me.

I must rethink my entire online experience in light of this revelation. Perhaps I should start reading those "trending news" alerts that I have been automatically dismissing without opening because, according to Google, I am craving updates about the breakdown of Ewan McGregor's marriage every hour. 

What other signs have I been missing? Have algorithms been holding the key to my happiness all the time and I've been ignoring them like a fool? I better order those "Prepper" and "Prison Fit" books Amazon was recommending, but I blithely mocked. Maybe I very much do like k-os the way iTunes insists, and I've been lying to myself all these years.

Then there is Twitter, which keeps recommending I follow Justin Bieber. Fuck You Twitter!

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