Wednesday 16 January 2013

Where All The Good Men Are

My guy is really good in a crisis. I know this because in the 15 months we've been together he has come to the aid of strangers in need on at least 3 occasions, and those are just the events I have witnessed. It has come to a point that, if we are doing something in the morning but have plans in the evening, I mentally allocate an extra hour and a half for him to come to someone's rescue. It gives me a bit of an inside perspective into the lives of Lois Lane, Mary Jane Watson and Bruce Wayne's countless women - minus the super villains.

The first event was a car crash (this was no accident, this was bad driving) we witnessed on a busy street but my guy alone stopped and stayed on the scene for. Purchasing water for those directly involved, making sure everyone was ok and waiting for police.

Second, while out for a lovely bike ride on a gorgeous sunny day, about 60 km from home and enough time for me to get back home, change, have something to eat and go off to teach karate. As we hit our turn around point I politely declined a request to borrow a mobile, as I didn't have mine with me and kept riding. My guy, on the other hand, stopped and discovered that the lady asking for a phone really needed medical attention. She had fallen on a recently replaced hip and, as cliché as it sounds, could not get up. She sat stranded on the grass with 3 dogs about her and unable to move. My guy got her to her feet, called an ambulance, called her husband and waited with her until she was safely in the care of the paramedics while I wrangled the dogs and felt utterly ashamed of myself for not stopping when she spoke to me. My only lame defense is that she asked for a phone I did not have, rather than ask for help.

Next came the stoned mountain biker who had inextricably managed to put his chain on incorrectly. In fact, the chain was so strangely installed that my guy had to take the rear derailleur apart to fix it. So there I stood, again loosing time to eat before going to teach, while my boyfriend performed a 20 minute trail side bicycle repair for "Blazy" the pothead mountain biker.

Before you say to yourself, "this man is too good to be true" and possibly think that I have made him up, let me fill in the mountain bike story. I fell hard on my shoulder during that ride. I was told to get back on my bike and off we went. I was lightly chastised for being too cautious on sections and slightly mocked for my lack of mountain biking prowess. Two things I have, on many occasions, openly admitted to 1. that I suck at mountain biking 2. that my lack of mountain biking ability turns me into a coward. I was dragged up and down many hills to complete the ride despite my crash. While my guy was fixing the stranger's bike, I was struggling to get our bikes onto the rack with what turned out to be two torn tendons in my left shoulder. I am still not allowed to lift anything with my left arm, let alone heave a heavy mountain bike onto a bike rack. He ain't perfect but he is very, very good.

Where have all the good men gone? They are running late because they've spent anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours helping a stranger in need while you are probably sat at the coffee shop being hit on by some creep.

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