Monday 18 November 2013

Passing The Torch

Last Saturday, eight remarkable young people who I have had the pleasure of teaching for the past ten years successfully graded for their Shodan (first degree black belt). What an incredible journey it has been watching these little children grow into young adults - who are all now taller than me.

These kids are disciplined, hard working, successful in several different areas (most are on the honour roll), polite youth. Their etiquette is impeccable, better than most adults I know. They are a tight-nit group who look out for each other. And people still make comments to me about karate being violent and aggressive. My students have never been in trouble because of fighting. How many hockey coaches can say the same of their players? 

I salute these students, most kids don't stick with something for 10 years. Heck, most adults don't make it to black belt. Congratulations class, you did what I didn't think possible, you made me even prouder of you than I already was!

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