Monday 22 October 2012

Mind the (Generation) Gap

When people find out the age difference between me and My Guy, I usually receive high-fives, mock fawning and bowing or titles like "Queen of the Cougars". On rare occasions, though, I encounter "I could never...", which initially makes me think of a Dylan Moran bit regarding hookers and cocaine in a hotel room. I never see what the big deal is. As has already been established, My Guy is an old soul, or I'm very immature. Possibly it's a combination of both. 

For the most part, we don't notice the difference. I credit my career in fitness and a fabulous gene pool for his lack of awareness. Where I do sometimes feel like we come from entirely different worlds are in my far too numerous pop culture references. I am, after all, a Gen Xer, gratuitous pop culture references is our thing.

Once, early on in our budding relationship I made a joke, in writing, about him waking up with a horse head in his bed. Apparently, if you've never seen The God Father this is an incredibly distressing thing to read in a lively online chat. It also became apparent that he just wasn't raised right! How does one grow up in an English speaking country and not at least hear about one of the most infamous scenes in filmmaking history? And how does one then explain the scene to an already traumatized reader? Particularly when you can no longer type because the laughter has you shaking violently. Obviously he got over the shock, as we're living together (see previous blog "Stealth Cohabitation"). Though it could be a matter of precaution on his part, presuming I would not put a horse head in my own bed (he still hasn't seen the movie). Won't he be surprised when he wakes up!

*Written entirely on my iPhone so do not question any typos or spelling errors. There are no errors because iPhone autocorrect knows better than we....

1 comment:

Antithesis said...

I was recently reminded of another startling example of our age difference when I made a big deal about My Guy not getting a Sid and Nancy reference to which he responded, "am I supposed to know who they are? Are they friends of yours? Have I met them?"

My friends foreheads collectively crashed on desks around the globe.

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